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Mackenzie Hoy Consulting

Acoustics Engineers

The Vuvuzela

A short description of the project

The Vuvuzela came to prominence during the Soccer World Cup in South Africa. Its mournful drown sounding like a distressed donkey, looking for a mate (Some say a whale, with a upset stomach). It could be heard at every football match during the world cup. Lebogang Ramma, of the University of Cape Town Audiology program is doing a study on the potential noise impact the Vuvuzela and he asked us to measure the A weighted frequency spectrum in a third octave band. In the picture you can see Timothy blowing the Vuvuzela, Lebo in the middle and Tawanda operates the the Norsonic 140 sound level meter. For detailed analysis of the sound Tawanda is not wearing is ear defenders....or perhaps he just forgot.